
Grade - Off Road A+, On Road C

Review - I purchased my purchased my brothers rear differential which has 5.29 gears and a Lock-rite. I had read about Lock-rites and other lunch box lockers and thought to my self they don’t sound that bad. After we installed the new differential under the truck we took it for a drive.

On Road - Now normally when you turn sharply at low speeds you are in 2nd gear and the clutch is up. The first time I tried this with my Lock-rite the truck started to buck and lurch similar feeling you had when you first learned to drive manual transmission. Now when you want to turn sharply at low speeds you have to push in the cluth or hit the gas. If you hit the gas to hard it locks and chirps the tires. If that was not enough sometimes it can’t make up its mind what it wants to do and binds up, then unloads. This shakes the whole truck and changes the direction of the truck. When this happens it sounds and feels like you just blew up your differential!

Off Road - Compared to a open differential it is a dream come true. It is always locked when you need it and rarely unloads.